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Soil-water-sediment systems play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. These systems provide essential ecosystem services, such as water filtration, nutrient cycling, and carbon storage, that are critical for maintaining ecosystem health and resilience. For instance, healthy soil can store significant amounts of carbon, helping to mitigate climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Moreover, soil-water-sediment systems can help to adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as increased droughts and floods, by providing critical water storage and filtration services. Healthy soil can also improve plant resilience to climate stressors, such as heatwaves, by increasing nutrient availability and water-holding capacity. Overall, soil-water-sediment systems play a vital role in climate change adaptation and mitigation, and their preservation and sustainable management are essential for building a resilient and sustainable future.


a.  Nature based solutions and other technologies for carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation strategies (e.g. rice fields, mangrove, constructed wetlands, etc.)

b.  Restoring and maintaining quality and quantity of groundwater reserves

c.  Contribution to the Energy Transition

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